Music Royalties

Digital Music Distribution Agreement

How does a digital music agreement or contract look? Digital Music Distribution Agreement is a legal document, which is signed…

6 years ago

Spotify has taken over the tech business Loudr

The San Francisco-based Loudr has been purchased by the streaming company for an undisclosed fee. Since its founding in 2013,…

6 years ago

Artist Account: direct payment service for artists

Tired of wasting time adding up numbers of your artist's sales from heaps of reports and of jumping through hoops…

7 years ago

Pandora Premium: how royalties are being paid to artists and labels

Key takeaway: Now, with the broad rollout of Pandora Premium, there are three tiers, three ways for artists and labels…

7 years ago

Neighboring Rights refer to the right to publicly perform, or broadcast, sound recording

There's a whole lot of confusion around the term “Neighboring Rights” stemming from where the name comes from in the…

8 years ago

The multi-million dollar royalties deal between YouTube and publishers goes through

Under the umbrella of NMPA (The National Music Publishers’ Association), music publishers and songwriters have forged an agreement with YouTube…

8 years ago

Apple: Music streaming should pay songwriters $910 every million plays

Apple has filed a new proposal with the US Copyright Royalty Board which it hopes will simplify songwriting royalties in…

8 years ago